Periodistes científics europeus visitaran instal·lacions científiques catalanes

Organitza la visita la Xarxa Europea CommHERE, amb la col·laboració de l’European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations

Una vintena de periodistes científics europeus participaran en una visita a diversos centres de recerca d’avantguarda a Barcelona. Del 20 al 22 de maig els assistents visitaran el Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG), l’Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO), el Centre Nacional de Supercomputació (BSC) i l’Institut d’Oncologia de la Vall d’Hebron (VHIO). Els membres de l’ACCC que vulguin sumar-s’hi -sense necessitats d’allotjament-, poden enviar un correu electrònic a abans del 5 de maig. El nombre de places és limitat. La llengua de la visita serà l’anglès.


Barcelona (foto:


Programa preliminar

19 May 2014

Evening: Welcome reception at CRG and introduction lecture by Luis Serrano, Director general of CRG.

20 May 2014

All-day: visit of CRG.

– Visit of the Microscopy and of the Proteomics core facilities.

– Visit of the labs and presentation of the 4DCellFate and of the SysteMTb projects.

– Short lectures by several CRG researchers.

– Science café with scientists from several institutions.

Evening: guided tour of Barcelona and dinner in a tapas restaurant.

21 May 2014

Morning: visit of BSC.

– Presentation on high-performance computing and e-Sciences by Mateo Valero, Director of BSC.

– Presentation on bioinformatics by Modesto Orozco, Director of the Life Science department at BSC.

– Visit of the MareNostrum infrastructures.

– Presentation and visit of projects on electronic and atomic protein modelling ( by Victor Guallart),  computational genomics (Pancancer project), and on heart simulation (Alya Red project).

Afternoon: visit of ICFO.

– General tour of ICFO, including the clean room and the biology lab.

– Visit of the Super-resolution Light Microscopy & Nanoscopy Lab.

– Presentation and visit of various labs, depending on availability – possible topics: advanced fluorescence imaging, medical optics, plasmo nano-optics, single-molecule biophotonics.

Evening: dinner in a tapas restaurant.

22 May 2014

Morning: visit of VHIO.

– The program of the visit at VHIO is still being developed: it will involve a general presentation of the institution as well as the visit of several labs and the presentation of the most important projects.


Hi ha més informació sobre la visita al web de l’EUSJA.


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